“Fun” Facts about K.J.

If I’m any good at all you’ll certainly learn quite a bit about me, my life and the person I am through my writing. But, I still thought it might be good practice for myself and hopefully at least somewhat interesting for you if I shared some random facts.

The first, random fact about myself that comes to mind is that I’m very much a small town kid. I grew up in rural communities in Montana and Wyoming, usually somewhere that the nearest town had a post office, a stop sign or maybe if they were lucky a bar or a small convenience store next to the mechanics shop. I started school in a “country school” with one other boy in my grade, the next school I went to my grade had myself and three other boys, though we shared a classroom with several other grades so our class size was closer to a dozen. It wasn’t until high school that I went to what I would consider a real school, where I graduated with 35 other kids.  Like my overactive imagination I never really grew out of the small town mentality. Big towns and/or cities are nice and now that I’m in my mid-twenties I appreciate a lot of what they have to offer, but it doesn’t take long for me to start feeling claustrophobic.

Something else I fell people need to know about me is that I struggle with anxiety. I do have panic attacks, of all sizes and magnitudes including a legitimately life changing one, a little over a year ago, that actually required me to be admitted to the ER and sedated. It’s certainly not a fun part of my life but I have learned how to be a little more open about it and some ways to control it, or at the very least deal with it.  I’ve even found ways to use it to my advantage on occasion. Leave it to writers to make the best of somewhat questionable mental health, am I right?

Which brings us to my, as I have heard it called on several occasions, twisted sense of humor. Really, it’s not my fault. My whole family is rather sarcastic and witty, to the point that often we are the only ones that truly appreciate each other’s humor. Which leads to texts and phone calls because one of us has thought of something funny that nobody else would appreciate, but it’s just too good not to share with somebody!

Okay how about some really random facts? I named my dog Drago after a character in my favorite movie. I apparently never get tired of eating spaghetti. I like my steak medium well and I don’t like ice in my fountain drinks because it waters down my Mtn Dew. If I do make a drink with ice cubes it has to be an odd number of ice cubes, I don’t know why. I’ve never broken a bone but I do have an extra part of a kidney. I eat Cap’n Crunch cereal with no milk and I put cheddar cheese on my apple pie. My taste in music covers everything from George Strait and Waylon Jennings, to Otis Redding and Dean Martin, then the very next song that plays could very easily be Five Finger Death Punch, Hayes Carll, or Ed Sheeran.

When it comes right down to it I’m a pretty random person in many senses of the word, but aren’t we all?

What makes you random?

Remember, I’m a writer, everything you say could end up making one of my characters more interesting!


Riding Peppy
Me when I was cute and lived where it got really cold in the winter! Peppy is the stud horse I learned to ride on.






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